I keep thinking hey I need to blog, but then I look at the pile of laundry or dishes and think no I have too much to do. Then I am needed to be mommy to two precious babies and I think the blog is not as important as they are. I love them more than I can put into words, and they will only be little once. Although I do love to look back and see what all our family has done or been through, so I will continue to blog but I will choose to take breaks and not beat myself up for not keeping it updated. Bear with me as I get used to being a mommy to two. You will notice when I get better at juggling everything because I will post more often.
Updates on us:
Patrick- Is finishing up the school year and is extremely busy getting everything done.
Me- Adjusting to life as a mommy of two.
Charles- He amazes me with how creative he is. I love listening to him play with his toys. He is a little social butterfly and loves people. He enjoys church and is probably the youngest greeter ever. He has a special ability to make people feel special and I love watching as that special gift grows within him.
Meredith- Is growing so fast. I can't believe she will be 3 months on the 24th. It seem like yesterday that I should be posting about her at 2 months. She loves being held and talked too. She will coo and smile when talked to. She is beginning to learn how to hold on to things like her paci and rattle. She found her thumb, but we are encouraging the paci as much as we can. She does not like tummy time at all.
DIY Valentine’s Earrings
2 weeks ago
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