This adorable guy turned one yesterday! Words can't express how much we love him. We had a crazy time yesterday with no Internet or power on the bottom floor until our energy provider fixed a breaker that made us not have power or air conditioner from about 8pm on August 9 until about 3 pm yesterday. Thank God we had cool weather during that time and could open windows to stay cool. Since we already had Charles' birthday party on June 30th we just enjoyed our time with our birthday boy yesterday. If you would like to see his party: or go to Erika's post here. I seriously thought about asking Matt to be the Man in the Yellow Hat from Curious George. He would have been perfect for the role.
Today he experienced his first chore of being a toddler- helping unload the groceries. He did not seem to mind one bit and I think he enjoyed it. He actually did this without being asked:)!
HAHAHA You definitely should have made Matt be the Man in the Yellow Hat!! Hilarious!! Happy Bday Charles! Glad to see he's getting used to pulling his weight around the house...soon he should be doing all the vacuuming...scrubbing fan blades...ya know, MAN stuff!!