Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Mama

My Mama is a very special lady. She is and has always been a great mother. I feel very blessed to have had her in my life. There are many things she has done for me and our family. Thanks for always loving me, taking care of me, and calling to check on me. Mandy and I are very lucky to call you Mama. She is also a very caring Mama C to Truman and Sarah Spratlin, and one day to our little ones. You can just tell how much she radiates with love for her family and friends. I hope some of her mothering skills rub off on me for the future little Box's. I love you Mama. Happy Birthday!!!!Her biggest delight is to love on her grand-babies. If there is a way to get to them she is there with bells on. She even tells my sister that she will take care of them at night, and not to get up she will.
This is the day my niece, Sarah Spratlin joined us in the world. She makes the third generation of awesome women.
Hanging out with Truman. Keeps her busy and happy.

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